

Strava is the leading social network for athletes with over 25 million monthly active users and 100 million subscribers. As a Senior Product Designer on the community and competition team, some of my initiatives included leading a redesign of segment leaderboards and enhancing the group challenges feature by creating inclusive competition.

Segment Leaderboards

Strava Segment LeaderboardsStrava Segment LeaderboardsStrava Segment LeaderboardsStrava Segment LeaderboardsStrava Segment LeaderboardsStrava Segment LeaderboardsStrava Segment Leaderboards

Group Goals

Strava Group GoalsStrava Group GoalsStrava Group GoalsStrava Group GoalsStrava Group GoalsStrava Group GoalsStrava Group GoalsStrava Group GoalsStrava Group GoalsStrava Group Goals

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StravaParachute PlasmaRedy
HealthgradesPlan to EatOdysseyMTAB